Young Artists from the Great Lake Region
in Kigali, Rwanda.

Atelier creatif de peinture, musique, danse, sculpture et culture.

vendredi 21 décembre 2012

New Atelier, new luck

Dear Follower, dear friends,
to improve our working circumstances we moved to another, new and bigger Atelier. We collaborate with KUNDA ART to organise exhibitions, animate poor children in one of our projects to use their creativity in fields of music (temporal and traditional dancing) and art (paintings and sculptures). We are lucky to tell you, that we managed to stay in Kacyiru. One finds our atelier in the street behind the Egyptian and Burundian Embassy. It is the blue door on the right hand side. Feel free to come, visit and see our pictures, sculptures and hand-made furnitures. UBUMWE ART (together art)

Cher suivantes, cher amis,
 pour améliorer notre circonstances de travail noue sommes déménagé dans une autre, nouvelle et plus grande atelier. On collabore avec KUNDA ART pour organiser les exhibitions, à s´occupe avec des enfants pauvres dans une autre de notre projets de les apprendre de faire quelque´chose concerner la créativité (comme musique, danse temporaire et traditionnelle, les peintures et sculptures). Nous sommes heureux d´annoncer qu´on reste encore à Kacyiru. Vous trouvez notre atelier , là où on fait tous les activités et notre galerie, la route dernière entre l´ambassade égyptienne et l´ambassade burundaise. A droite la portail bleue. Vous êtes bienvenues de venir et regarder votre bijoux artisanales rwandaises. UBUMWE ART (ensemble art) 

The entrance of our Atelier

The artists woking outside, three children studying a dance on the terrace

In the progress of creating

Our galery

More and new pictures

Kibe: "One way together"

Iyamuremye: Right: "After Party"  Left: "Tomorrow never comes"

Ramzan: "Intore"

Ramzan: Rwandese Culture

vendredi 21 septembre 2012

jeudi 20 septembre 2012

(Not) only art...other activities by Ubumwe Create.

"Dans le vert", a mini photo-réportage by Michele Pasquale dedicated to all friends of  Ubumwe Create Project.

mercredi 12 septembre 2012

Kibe: "Poligamy".

Kibe, Poligamy, acrylic on canvas, 2010.

Friends & collaborators at the Atelier.

Michele Pasquale, the website's photographer, and Kibe, first promoter of the Ubumwe Project and Art Teacher (painting and sculpture) at the Atelier in Kigali, Rwanda. Photo by I. Dorigotti.

Work in progress.

Kibe working on a new picture.

Work in progress.

A work in progress by Ivan at the Art Studio.

The artists at work.

The artists workin' at the Studio (11th September 2012).

Kibe Namwandala: "Simbolic Harvest Mask".

Kibe Namwandala, Simbolic Harvest Mask, wood, 2010.

Some of our artists.

In this image, some of our artists: (from left) Salhe, Ivan, Ramz, Kibe.

mardi 11 septembre 2012

Kibe Namwandala: "In bed".

Kibe Namwandala, In Bed, acrylic on canvas, 2011.

Kibe Namwandala:"Village Market".

Kibe Namwandala, Village Market, acrylic on sheet paper, 2010.


Please click here for a video presentation of the Art Studio.

"WWW", by Irene Dorigotti.


Kibe working at his Art Studio in Kacyiru, Kigali, Rwanda.

Kibe Namwandala: "Vision and Evolution".

Kibe Namwandala, Vision and Evolution, acrylic on canvas and sheet of paper, may-july 2012.

I made this painting to comunicate my idea of development and changing in Rwanda during last years, trying to imaginate the future from our past.