Young Artists from the Great Lake Region
in Kigali, Rwanda.

Atelier creatif de peinture, musique, danse, sculpture et culture.

lundi 6 mai 2013

Embellishing the Atelier by a kitchen Garden

This weekend our cooperation with the Goethe Institute started. From now on the Goethe Institute will supply our children with Reading and Storytelling lessons on Saturdays from 8 to 10 am.
As in Rwandan schools pupils are not to much integrated (approximately 50 pupils sit in one class in average), we see our newly added program point as quite useful to animate and interest our kids for books and give them the possibility to read out aloud to a larger group.

Another innovation is the kitchen garden we laid out this Sunday with the help of Adrian, a German volunteer who works for the environmental NGO ACNR and carried out other gardening projects, for example in the S.O.S Village des Enfants. With the garden we are trying to implement “Environment Education” and also, as it is an kitchen garden, “Health Education” in our work. We are looking forward to see the first sprigs growing, to accompany the growth period, to harvest the vegetables and finally to prepare a healthy dish. Our motto now: Patience and tender care! Find photos of the action attached to his article!

Apart from the two mentioned news, we continued the regular program! 

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