Young Artists from the Great Lake Region
in Kigali, Rwanda.

Atelier creatif de peinture, musique, danse, sculpture et culture.

mardi 4 juin 2013

Cheering can be as much fun as playing

For this weekend a football match was scheduled. It was a success for the IriCreArt-Team, winning 2 – 0 against the team of the S.O.S children village, .
Apart from our team which did quite well, the group feeling, which was underpinned by the vociferous cheering of the other participants of our program, was most encouraging.
The fans were supporting our team warmly and were being passionately committed to the game.
By shouts such as “Tufite Swagga, tufite Swagga...”, we have the swagga, we have he swagga, they backed the IriCreArt-Player successfully.
After the game the team as well as the supporters were rewarded by fruits being handed out. So much fun this weekend, events like this definitely have to be repeated! 


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